Thursday, January 21, 2010

a thought of a poem.

_it feels like everything is over.
_it is
and _ it has only begun.

_ emptiness isn't absence
and darkness isn't night.
_ hope is quiet.

_ pain isn't a sign of death
and sadness isn't a sign of hurt.
_ both are signs of life and health.

_ God speaks.
_ i listen.
and _ i stop listening
and lay still enough to hear.

_ i hear God saying follow me
and so i try to follow Him
only to realize He was saying don't move.

sometimes sometimes is always.

[sometimes it feels like everything is over.
sometimes it is
and sometimes it has only begun.

sometimes emptiness isn't absence
and darkness isn't night.
sometimes hope is quiet.

sometimes pain isn't a sign of death
and sadness isn't a sign of hurt.
sometimes both are signs of life and health.

sometimes God speaks.
sometimes i listen.
and sometimes i stop listening
and lay still enough to hear.

sometimes i hear God saying follow me
and so i try to follow Him
only to realize He was saying don't move.]

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