Friday, December 4, 2009

a prayer for movement.

Father, i long to be in Your presence,
     to be wrapped in the wings of Your Peace.

i long for the inner solitude of faith and devotion.

i long for contentment, O God.

surely You would not have led me here
     if i could not remain in Your presence in this place,
          if the distractions of this life were too great.
surely You would not have given me this good work
     if in doing it i would remain far from You.

teach me, O God,
     that i might know the way of pure devotion.
teach me, O God,
     that i might with wisdom take my steps.
teach me, O God, 
     that i might know the right measure of detachment.
teach me, O God,
     that i might know the true look of sacrifice.

grant unto me, my God,
     that i might find You
          amidst the noise,
          amidst the distractions,
          amidst the confusion,
          amidst the busyness of this life.

grant unto me, my God,
     that i might see beyond the immediate circumstances,
          to see Your Eternal movement
               and Your Divine and Loving will. 

grant unto me the Peace of Your presence,
     and the comfort of Holy Contentment.

grant that i might serve with gladness,
     in all things reaching out toward the God of Eternity,
          embracing the movement of my own spirit towards 
               Salvation and Redemption.

and grant unto me, Loving God,
     the humility of that same Love.  

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